Tuesday 4 May 2010

Windy, the most adoreable woman with a lot of jealouser~

So i've been chatting with this cuties, and she's really adoreable. The thing is the more adoreable people get, the more people will judge you bad. okay let's save the "judging" conversation for later, and who knows that she has so many haters and fakers who need her attention. Her haters accounts: "@wehatewindek @wehatewindekkk @windekhaters @haterswindek @fvckwindek" some of them are suspended already and her fakers @windekk. not just her, there's still people out there who get faked and hated every-single-day. Let's mention some of them: @gracemanda @IsmanJhaters @miranazelia @adinanjing, most recent and many else. w.e.w.
"mereka cuman yaa cari perhatian, mau cari eksis, nambah followers, ga ada kerjaan mgkn gapunya temen wahaha, sirik maybe" - windy.

Monday 3 May 2010


Who doesn't know her? the funniest bacoters ever exist! yes! @sayitgabe! lonely? sad? bad mood? go follow her! she's the doctor~ I've ever watched her "Happy Birthday Joe Jonas" videos, it's so F-in hilarious! check it out on her blog http://gabiobros.blogspot.com

So i asked her to spend her time so i can interrogate her.

Do you know that almost all of your tweets are funny?
Biasa aja, yang gue rasain yah gue tweet.

The way you tell your stories, and you hopeful tweets to get responsed by Jonah and Joe Jonas?
KOK TAU GUE SUKA SAMA JONAH??! habis dia lucu sih imut gue suka sama satu video nya, yah mungkin karena dia freak gitu hoho. gue suka sama Joe Jonas udah 3 taun men haha! sampe kebawa mimpi!

What's the funniest things you've ever done?
keliling pim sambil nyanyi lagu sekolahan gue trus keliling foodcourt pim nyamperin orang2 bilang "keju ma, keju ma, keju ma"

Whattaya think about people who hold their expression a.k.a "jaim"?
gimana ya, ya gitulah kalo ketawa ga dilepas trus pendiam, tapi sekali urat malu gue balik, gue bisa jaim banget lo kaya orang bisu.

all and all Gabe is a real funny girl :)

Bacoters Watch

what is it??
Bacoters Watch. do you know this twitter account? do you know who they are? yay! that's me "D". the purpose of this account for the first time, is to watch bacoters and retweeting their tweets.
what's the point??
nothing exactly, just for fun, i'm kinda a person who get bored quickly.
and then? how did they response?
i actually don't know, i didn't notice lol. yah some bacoters were wondering "who is this bacoters?" "what's their purpose making this acc?" "it's kinda annoying when all of your tweets got retweeted by the same person" yaa responses like that.
who's the most interesting bacoters then?
I'd say... @sayitgabe! yes she's so far from this word "simple" she's so what i call "detail" and "complicated". she's so funny and extraordinary, she tweets everything she likes lol, and i think she also does everything she wants :D
what do you think about bacoters?
what do i think about them, they're actually fun! the way they live with this social network and the way they response one and another's tweets. I like it and I like bacoters :)